Terrorists are holding the entire city hostage and it's your job to eradicate them.
You will have a fixed time to neutralize each target before you become the target, and these guys never miss!
Some of the Terrorists will have taken hostages, these guys will require a head shot and ONLY a head shot, otherwise you run the risk of taking out the hostage, and that's an instant Game Over!
Big bonuses are awarded for HEAD SHOTS and a time based BONUS is offered for completing each level quickly.
You will have a fixed time to neutralize each target before you become the target, and these guys never miss!
Some of the Terrorists will have taken hostages, these guys will require a head shot and ONLY a head shot, otherwise you run the risk of taking out the hostage, and that's an instant Game Over!
Big bonuses are awarded for HEAD SHOTS and a time based BONUS is offered for completing each level quickly.